Aloaha FAX 2 Mail as PDF
This article will explain in detail how you can setup Microsoft
FAX to receive your FAXES as PDF in your Mailbox or mail enabled Public Folder.
We assume that of course you would like this task fully unattended and automatic.
If you would like to receive all your normal print outs in your Mailbox or mail
enabled Public Folder you should read also http://www.aloaha.com/article/monitorall.html.
One requirement to receive FAXES as PDF is Microsoft FAX. You
can install Microsoft FAX from your control panel / add or remove Programs /
Windows Components.

Once you installed the Windows Fax Services you need to configure
them to print every FAX automatic to an Aloaha PDF Suite monitored Printer.
That printer is by default the Wrocklage
PDF Printer. To configure the Windows FAX Services you need to open your Start
Menu and browse to Accessories / Communications /Fax. There you start the Fax
Console. In the Fax Console you go the Menubar and call Configure Fax from the
Tools Submenu. The Fax Configuration Wizard will pop up. You click through untill
you reach the Routing Option Dialog. There you need to choose your Aloaha PDF
Suite monitored Printer. Usually that is the Wrocklage PDF Printer.

You are nearly done now. Assuming that on a server you dont
like the interactive PDF Suite Dialog popping up I suggest to disable it. To
disable the interactive dialog just call creator.exe from the Aloaha PDF Suite
installation directory. On the right bottom you will find the Service interactive
option which you should disable. Furthermore you need to configure your SMTP
Settings here.

Thats all. Now every FAX will be printed, converted to PDF
and send by email to your Mailbox or Public folder. As a short site note it
should be mentioned again that the Aloaha PDF Suite can be installed in two
different modes. It can be installed as service or as invisible application
which runs in the background only when you are logged on. If you plan to to
use the FAX 2 PDF feature it is suggested to install the Aloaha PDF Suite as
an service.
This article is online available at http://www.aloaha.com/article/fax2pdf.html
A PDF Version is available for download at http://www.aloaha.com/article/fax2pdf.pdf